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Innovations and Technology Trends Hoped-for in Pig Farming

The current "Graphic of the Month" from DLG-Agrifuture Insights shows that innovations and technology trends are the focus of attention for more or less all groups of stakeholders. From all areas, participants hope to see improvements in herd management and animal monitoring, as well as in the area of animal welfare.

In the current Agrifuture Insights survey from winter 2022/23, pig farmers were asked about the main interests regarding innovations and technology trends they hope for. Among the stakeholder groups, opinions seem to diverge noticeably in some cases.

Chart of the Month

Innovations and Technology Trends Hoped-for in Pig Farming

In pig farming, innovations and technology trends are the focus of attention for farms as well as for science, consulting and industry. This is shown by the current Agrifuture Insights survey. The industry is almost unanimously hoping for innovations and trends to further improve animal health and thus also further reduce antibiotic consumption.

In addition, demand-oriented feeding is an important parameter for the practice, because it can be used to reduce feed costs. In view of the spread of ASF and the associated restrictions, it is not surprising that innovations are also expected in the area of "biosecurity and hygiene".

From all areas, participants hope to see improvements in herd management and animal monitoring, as well as in the area of animal welfare. Digitalization plays a major role in this context. Sensors in the barn or on the animal can be used to carry out animal-specific evaluations and analyses in real time, enabling preventive intervention.

The topic of outdoor climate stimuli and runs seems to be brought into the industry rather from the outside. It is currently considered less important to practices and the industry because it often also involves increased labor costs. People do not seem to see how these costs could be offset through the market.

In contrast to industry, consulting and practice, the scientific community considers all of the surveyed topics to be very important to important and thus sees innovation potential in all areas. However, this may also be due to the fact that – unlike all other respondents – science does not have to earn money with pig farming.

DLG-Agrifuture Insights – a comprehensive view on agricultural development

DLG-Agrifuture Insights is the DLG knowledge brand and platform for international trend analyses in the agricultural sector. It examines the business environment in agriculture in Germany and worldwide. For this purpose, farmers and people from agribusiness, science and consulting are surveyed annually on their assessments of the economic situation and development of agricultural businesses, as well as technology trends and innovations in the individual business sectors. A total of 4,183 people took part in the current survey in winter 2022/23, around 1,500 of them from abroad.