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Climate Protection Measures in Dairy Farming

The current "Graphic of the Month" from DLG-Agrifuture Insights shows that many climate protection measures have already been implemented in dairy farming. However, in many cases this is not enough for the farms - they are planning many more, sometimes drastic changes.

In the current Agrifuture Insights survey from winter 2022/23, dairy farmers were asked about climate protection measures already implemented or planned. The focus of both the implemented and the planned measures is the energy supply of the farm - be it through the supply of own electricity with the help of PV systems or through increases in energy efficiency.

Chart of the Month

Climate Protection Measures in Dairy Farming

Germany is adhering to the target of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045 agreed in the Climate Protection Act; by 2030, emissions are to be reduced by at least 65% compared with 1990.

Milk production primarily produces methane, nitrous oxide and CO2, and many measures have already been implemented in recent years to reduce these emissions, particularly in the area of feeding. Almost 70% of the farms have already been able to achieve a more efficient milk yield and reduce feed losses. Another 20% or so are planning to do so. Also widely realized are high concentrate feed efficiency (62 %) and shortened transport distances by feeding native protein crops (55 %).

In view of the changed situation on the energy market, it is hardly surprising that energy production and efficiency are currently at the forefront of planned measures. Half of the dairy farmers surveyed are planning energy efficiency measures - for climate protection reasons and to relieve the economic burden on the farm. In addition, 36% of the dairy farmers surveyed are planning to generate their own electricity and 30% are planning to use alternative fuels.

Another important starting point for the reduction of greenhouse gases is fertilization. More than 40 % of the participants are already working with emission-reducing application and processing technology for farm manure. Another 30 % are planning to use them.

DLG-Agrifuture Insights – a comprehensive view on agricultural development

DLG-Agrifuture Insights is the DLG knowledge brand and platform for international trend analyses in the agricultural sector. It examines the business environment in agriculture in Germany and worldwide. For this purpose, farmers and people from agribusiness, science and consulting are surveyed annually on their assessments of the economic situation and development of agricultural businesses, as well as technology trends and innovations in the individual business sectors. A total of 4,183 people took part in the current survey in winter 2022/23, around 1,500 of them from abroad.